• Jan 24, 2023
  • By Amarnath Halember
  • 0 Comment

Considering an alarming increase in lifestyle diseases in India, it is important to have a well-balanced and nutritious diet to promote healthy living. Keeping this in mind and the subsequent increase in health consciousness, people are getting attracted to more and more processed food products in an effort to indulge and maintain a nutritious balanced diet.

 However, there exist magical ingredients in all our kitchens that can help us do the same. You might wonder what it is! Well, what most of us tend to neglect is the beauty of our very own staple Indian diet. The staple Indian diet by definition consists of cereals, Dals, vegetables and rice. 

You all must be thinking as to why we are talking about staples in this blog. It gives us immense happiness to introduce the second brand from the house of NextG named Naturefest. Yes! You heard it right. We at the house of NextG will be launching our second brand Naturefest dedicated to all the staples  We at the house of Naturefest have brought products directly from farm to table and bring for all of our consumers a wide variety of staples for your daily consumption.

Whole staples are beyond doubt one of the most important ingredients of an Indian meal. And for vegetarians especially, staples are the most important source of protein. Having said that, it becomes crucial that the staples we buy are of the best quality which guarantees optimum nutrition and health benefits.

The truth is that before hitting the grocery store shelves, most staples undergo an extensive process of polishing. Polishing is done to mainly increase visual appeal for the consumer. There are different polishing ingredients used such as nylon polish, leather and makhmal polish and the most prevalent being oil and water polishing. Doing so gives each and every grain of the dal a shiny appearance and uniformity.

We at the house of Naturefest come forward with an affordable range of staples that are brought directly from the farm to your table for consumption without any processing done to the staples and hence, keeping all the natural benefits of the staple intact and giving you 100% natural products.


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